East Bay Intimacy & Sex Therapy Center is a boutique style private therapy center, rather than a managed-care driven mental health clinic.
California Relationship Centers: east Bay Intimacy & Sex Therapy Center's policies
Fees & Insurance
Fees for therapy services varies at California Relationship Centers depending on which provider you work with.
Fees are based on level of practitioner's experience and expertise as well as they length of the session.. The fee is typically between $125 and $275 per session.
Why don’t we take insurance?
Here at California Relationship Centers , we choose to work outside of insurance companies for a variety of reasons:
Psychologists & psychotherapists who choose to directly contract with insurance companies have to make concessions, as do their clients. Rather than focus on a diagnosis, we believe in treating you as a whole person whose issues are rooted in the context of your life, rather than in disorder or illness. It’s important to us to preserve the integrity of the therapeutic process and avoid issues with a managed care company at times requiring personal therapy data and details about your treatment.
We want our clients to be able to determine the length, frequency, and type of therapy they receive.
When you use your insurance plan to obtain therapy, the insurance companies can often dictate how long you can be in therapy or even what kind of therapy you can receive. We believe in your privacy and personal agency. California Relationship Centers is dedicated to bringing you private, collaborative and uniquely tailored psychotherapy. We work for you, not the insurance companies.
Client privacy and protection.
When using insurance to pay for therapy, a mental health diagnosis is required which then goes onto your permanent medical record, possibly creating an impact when applying for life and medical insurance coverage, or possibly limiting future employment opportunities. At California Relationship Centers, we like to empower our clients to choose whether or not they want to have a diagnosis on their medical record. By being out-of-network and private pay, we can allow our clients the highest degree of privacy, flexibility, and control of their medical records allowed by California state law.
Contact Us
We Speak Relationship.